Handwriting – A tool to Identify Depression

As per American Psychiatric Association, Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.

Depression affects an estimated 1 in 15 adults (6.7%) in any given year and 1 in 6 people (16.6%) will experience depression at some time in their life. Depression can strike at any time, but on average, first appears during the late teens to mid-20s.

Women in Depression
Women in Depression

Women are more likely than men to experience depression. Some studies show that one-third of women will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home.

Symptoms of Depression
Symptoms of Depression

A change in appetite (eating too much or not enough), Withdrawing from friends and activities, sleeping disturbances like sleeping too much, not sleeping well or avoiding sleep, A decline in grades at school, Obsession over their body image, Feelings of frustration, An inability to complete simple tasks, Overwhelming guilt and feelings of worthlessness, A change in normal behavior or personality changes, Reluctance to participate in social activities, Anger and other frequent emotional outbursts, Frequent stomach aches or headaches that don’t respond to treatment, Body aches that can’t be explained or treated, An inability to enjoy life and a lack of interest in the future can be counted as symptoms of depression.

Do you know handwriting can reveal depression? Yes, handwriting is brainwriting. When we write on the paper, it imprints our emotions, feelings and state of mind on the paper. We are writing with hand but it shows our thought process in our mind. How do you identify depression symptoms from handwriting? Ok, one thing to keep in mind is single trait in handwriting cannot tell about the core issue like depression. There has to be combination of various traits identified to say that there is an indication of depression such as low self-esteem, sensitive to criticism, downward slant, emotionally withdrawn, etc.

Low self-esteem is one major trait which is nothing but not feeling good about yourself. People with low self-esteem often feel unlovable, awkward, or incompetent. According to researchers Morris Rosenberg and Timothy J. Owens, who wrote Low Self-Esteem People: A Collective Portrait, people with low self-esteem tend to be hypersensitive. They have a fragile sense of self that can easily be wounded by others.

The second indication is while writing the words may fall down at the end, or sentences show downward slant. This shows that person is upset, feeling low, has become pessimistic. The overall direction of the baseline and the frequent rise and fall of words indicates depression. Caused by confusion and stress, this is further shown by strokes with variable size and shape of letters.

See the sample of handwriting that shows low self-esteem and downward slant.

sample of handwriting that shows low self-esteem and downward slant
sample of handwriting that shows low self-esteem and downward slant


From the sample, we can say that person does not feel good about himself which is seen in letter t. All the sentences are falling downward which again indicates that person is showing depression symptom. Handwriting is one important tool which shows success traits and red flags in the personality. What does your “t” say? Is your writing going down or up or straight? What does it mean? Can change in handwriting help a person to overcome depression? Meet the Handwriting Analyst to know more!

Red Flag in Handwriting, Oh, Really?

I met a friend today after long time and I was shocked to see her dull, low and unhappy. It was nice to see her but equally sad to see that she was struggling with her job, relationship and other aspects of life. I asked her “What’s going on?” She replied “nothing, trying to manage things at job, not getting pay rise, I don’t have enough courage to ask for it because I am scared, they may ask to leave.” There are many people like her on our planet who compromise, don’t feel good about themselves, don’t feel good with whatever they are doing and are not happy in their lives. Has it something to do with our handwriting? Can we make out that person is struggling with low self-esteem issues in his or her life? The answer is YES!

Your Self esteem affects everyone around you
Your Self esteem affects everyone around you

Handwriting as we know reveals our personality. The paper on which we write reads the person’s character. There are more than 100 personality traits that can be identified by the handwriting. It shows us emotional outlay, self-esteem, confidence, self-reliant, stubbornness and so many other traits.

Low Self-esteem is one of the red flags in handwriting. Low self-esteem is characterized by a lack of confidence and feeling bad about oneself. People with low self-esteem often feel unlovable, awkward, or incompetent. According to researchers Morris Rosenberg and Timothy J. Owens, who wrote Low Self-Esteem People: A Collective Portrait, people with low self-esteem tend to be hypersensitive. They have a fragile sense of self that can easily be wounded by others. They remain in bad situations for longer period of time.

I know you all are anxious to know where do we see low self esteem in handwriting?  Its seen in letter “t”. when you cross your letter t low to the stem, it shows you have got low self-esteem.

Check where do you cross your t?

Shift yourself from Fixed mind set to Growth mind set through Handwriting

Imagine yourself having a bad day today. You are in the office and boss calls you to tell that client rejected the project. After a while, you went to the parking to take your car and saw that you got a parking ticket. You feel angry and call up a friend to share that all bad things are happening since morning. The friend also brushes you off before you can share and hangs the phone. How do you react to this situation? What would you feel? What would you do? Here mindset comes in. If you are a fixed mindset person you will say “I feel rejected”, “I am a total failure”, “I am a loser”, “I feel worthless and dumb and even boss also feels the same.” Excuse me, was there death and destruction, or just a deal that got cancelled, a ticket, and a bad phone call with a friend? If these kind of feeling keeps repeating to you, you are actually a fixed mindset person who has low self-esteem, pessimistic, sensitive to criticism and fear of failure.

Okay, let’s look at the same situation from the person who has got growth mind set. He will say, “The cancelled deal tells me that I need to work hard for other deals and achieve my target”, “I would pay the ticket but next time I will be careful when parking the car”, “I wonder, if my friend had a bad day, I will speak to him after some time”. Things like deal cancellation, parking ticket, friend ignoring are not fun events, but person with growth mindset though felt distressed, was ready to take the risks, confront the challenges, and keep working at them. The person with growth mind set has got positivity, optimism, enthusiasm to face the challenge, carries high self-esteem and is confident.

How does all this relate to our handwriting? How can we know from the handwriting that person is having fixed mindset or growth mindset? Fixed and Growth mindset are related to our brain. Our definitions to failure or success are coming from our belief system. These belief systems have helped us to grow our personality accordingly. Similarly, Handwriting is brainwriting. Everything gets registered in subconscious mind and it comes out on the paper when we write. Handwriting reveals the entire personality of the person. Now, can you make the connection with mindset and handwriting? Of course, yes, if you have growth mindset, you will definitely have success traits in your handwriting. A graphologist can tell you your success traits from the handwriting. You actually can shift yourself from fixed mindset to growth mindset by changing your handwriting.

What is your mindset? Ask the graphologist!

Are you a Control Freak? Look at your Handwriting!

The writing on the paper depicts your inner you! Handwriting reveals your personality on the paper. There are more than 100 personality traits that can be identified from handwriting. Don’t get scared, in fact it actually helps us to under

Are you a control freak? Look at your handwriting!
Are you a control freak? Look at your handwriting!

stand ourselves better. How amazing it sounds when you get to know others from their handwriting even without communicating.

Losing control in life is related to fear. Fear of losing control makes us do things or react in certain manner. The other name for fear of losing control is ‘Perfection”. So, people with losing control anxiety are perfectionists. People who look for perfection in their life are always heightened with anxiety and stress.

Another challenging aspect of the fear of losing control is that it can bring up resistance to change. Change usually entails leaving our comfort zone, which is why we perceive it as a somewhat uncomfortable risk. In contrast to a healthy comfort zone, the boundaries of an anxiety- and control-driven one tends to become rigid walls. And the longer we stay in that constricted zone, the more we avoid and resist leaving it, even if we aren’t at all comfortable in it anymore.

Ask yourself “Do I look for perfection?” If yes, show your handwriting to graphologist and know how to overcome.